Thursday, September 23, 2010

I'm Six...Weeks That Is

Since yesterday was my 6 week birthday and I've been so good, Mom and dad decided to take me out to lunch to celebrate. We went to a really fancy place (at least compared to where I usually eat it was pretty formal). But I didn't get to try any of the food! Now how is that fair?

The family hits the town for lunch (at Maialino)

But they promised that some day I'll get to try some of the stuff they eat. Something about it being hard to chew without teeth. But I think that's malarkey and they are holding out on me. I did get to show off my snazzy duds though and all the people ooh-ed and ah-ed over me and said I was cute. That was fun and there were all kinds of new things to see and smell. Maybe we'll go out for lunch again sometime soon.

Love and cuddles,

1 comment:

  1. Nice that you are getting out! Esme seems to think the food was yummy. Hope you did too! Love...Nannie Linda
