Thursday, October 21, 2010

Kickin' Off the Weekend

So I'm back in Weston with Mom and Dad. They listened to my complaints about the last trip and we took the train this time. I like the train much better. Mom and Dad can pick me up and sooth me without having to stop. We all like that. After we got to Ronnie and Safta's house, we settled in. After we had a chance to rest, we went over to Dorothea and Shelly's for dinner. It was really nice of them to invite everyone over. I got to hand out with Bubbie Lindie and Neill too, since they are staying with Dorothea and Shelly this weekend.

Look Ma, no hands!
I decided to show off for everybody. I can now support most of my weight with my legs. So I hung out standing for a little bit. All the big people were very impressed.

Esme cuddles with Bubbie Lindie

We all had lots of fun. And tomorrow I get to see my Aunties (Julia and Emily). I'm really excited and can't wait.

Love and cuddles,

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